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In nature everything is created in perfect balance. That's why we feel so good when we're in the forest, by the sea or in the mountains where we can sense the positive free flowing energies of the nature.

Over the years, traditional architecture and design have deviated from their core principles where balance and harmony with nature were once central. In short, when houses are built, this perfect balance is disrupted. The quality of energy changes as some energies become stagnant. And stagnant energy means stress which causes imbalances that we experience as health issues and setbacks in life. The more time we spend in these environments, the more they impact our well-being, energy levels, relationships and success.

Med 19 års internationell erfarenhet inom designbranschen vet jag hur man kan utforma och bygga hem som framhäver välmående, hälsa och framgång på energinivå där vår upplevelse av vår fysiska verklighet utformas. Tekniken är baserad på världens äldsta Vediska vetenskap om arkitektur, konstruktion och design. Dess positiva hälsofrämjande och sjukdomsförebyggande effekter är bevisade av hjärnforskare. / Read about research here /

As a certified energy architect, I focus on seven crucial aspects when designing homes that are receptive to positive natural forces promoting well-being for all who live there:

  1. Site selection, slope of the land and potential water source
  2. Placement of the house on the site, landscaping and geopathic stress lines
  3. Orientation of the house, the driveway and entrance
  4. "Shape and size of the house in harmony with the owners' birth chart
  5. Planning, layout, and flow. Correct placement of functions. Doors, windows, and light. Stairs and storage promoting stability. Kitchen/dining area for easy digestion. Bedrooms, correct sleep orientation for deep rest. Living room for productivity and vitality. Correct planning for water, sewage, and bathrooms.
  6. Conscious and personalized interior design: color schemes and material choices for health, wealth and well-being
  7. The flow, furniture layout and it's energetical impact on clarity of mind and personal success

I collaborate with architects, designers and builders. Regardless of where you are in the design and construction process, I can help you design a home that aligns with universal natural laws, allowing you to live the richest and most meaningful life imaginable.

Would you like to know more about how this unique technique works and what it can do for you? /Find out more about POWERHOUSE here/
